How we curate products?

When I say "we" I mostly mean I, Clémentine because this Boutique is a one-woman small business! I have very important guests at home, and they keep on coming to dinner! Hubby, Mademoiselle 10yo and the Lil'G are my key user testers. I sell what we use every day and what we love.
All the products we sell are made of materials that can be repaired, recycled or composted. We select vendors in France committed to work in environmentally and socially responsible manner. We look for plastic alternative items. We re-use packing and boxes, limit the plastic wrapping to the maximum, and we encourage you to reuse or recycle as well. We are conscious that our choices have a social and environmental impact. Collectively let's make it a positive one!
Timeless design
Interior trends come in and out of style before we get a chance to afford and enjoy them. Unlike some fast-moving collections, Duralex, Degrenne, Nogent, Filt have been here for many years. Tempered glass is extremely resistant, but if you break a Duralex tumbler you can easily find a replacement to complete your set. You will not end up with mismatched glasses. All Degrenne Salam teapot parts are replaceable. Timeless design is sustainable for the planet and your pocket.
Things that have stayed around and that we kept after moving 10 times are really functional and qualitative. There are many different ways of steeping tea, but none is easier than Salam Teapot. Fill the infuser, steep once or twice and hop empty the infuser in the compost bin. (Honestly, faster than opening a tea bag, throwing the teabag pocket, soaking the tea bag, trying to squeeze and drain this thing...) If my 5yo can use an item without making a mess, it means it has passed the functionality test!
Take that Duralex tumbler. Kids and adults can use it alike. It can be an ice cream cup, an espresso cup, a cocktail glass, an appetizer cup for olives or peanuts, a pen holder, a bathroom accessory. Filt grocery bags are compact to keep in your purse for groceries, they look good in your kitchen as pantry storage or toys organizer. Buy them once, use them in your own way.
Colour positive
Do you believe colours add a positive touch to your interior? Eco-conscious choices don't have to be all beige. Iconic objects become yours in your colours.

Less Clutter in the drawers, More time for what matters!